Most of it is covered in gravel, though it also contains mountains and oases. And he…
Getting new equipment to the Space Station used to take months or years, but the new t…
They do have molars on top, in the back of their mouths, but where you’d expect uppe…
It started as a school project for Bob Heft’s junior-year history class in 1958, a…
The man, Tim Storms, can’t even hear the note, which is eight octaves below the lowe…
Walt Disney might have been the first to put gloves on his characters , as seen in …
When turkeys are scared or excited—like when the males see a female they’re interest…
The original jeans had only four pockets: that tiny pocket , plus two more on the f…
Just try to wrap your brain around the second part of this animal fact : Those 457,…
When there was a cotton shortage during World War I, Kimberly-Clark developed a thin…
Like most four-legged mammals, cats have five toes on the front, but their back paws…
On average, a giant Pacific octopus will lay 56,000 eggs at the end of a pregnancy, …
Considered a culturally bound syndrome, a person “running amok” in Malaysia starts w…
We won’t spell it out here, but the full name for the protein nicknamed titin would …
The chemicals reduce the surface tension of plain water so it’s easier to spread and…
In fact, one Texas man was hospitalized when a bullet he shot at an armadillo ricoch…
They’re legumes. According to Merriam-Webster , a nut is only a nut if it’s “a hard…
If you live in Chicago, you might already know this random fact, but we’re betting m…
People stash their phones in their back pockets all the time, which is why Samsung cre…
Yes, 421! Some examples: sneesl (to start raining or snowing); feefle (to swirl)…
Yes, there was a real John Chapman who planted thousands of apple trees on U.S. soil…
You can even buy its meat in at least 21 states.
Can you guess the answer to this random fun fact? You’ll find a Z (Arizona), a J (Ne…
The original oranges from Southeast Asia were a tangerine-pomelo hybrid, and they we…
The tropical fungus Ophiocordyceps infects ants’ central nervous systems. Once it …
This crazy McDonald’s fact will have your taste buds crawling. Unsurprisingly, the…
Before today’s big-league salaries, professional baseball and football players often…
Because limes are denser than lemons, they drop to the bottom of a glass, while lemo…
Japan is thought to have one of the highest densities of vending machines in the wor…
On January 1, 1892, Annie Moore was the first passenger to disembark at Ellis Island…
You’ve probably heard about how a lot of the Victorians’ favorite cosmetics were riddl…
Spanning 2,340 miles, the Mississippi River is the third-largest watershed in the wo…
This is one of those interesting facts you probably thought you knew but actually di…
You may be familiar with Wally “Famous” Amos, thanks to his packaged chocolate chip …
In school, we were taught that most (specifically, 71 percent) of the planet’s surfa…
Data from the 1920 U.S. census indicates that Cleveland, Ohio, was one of the most h…
Turns out, there’s quite a bit of gold on—or, really, in—our planet: 99 percent of t…
That’s right: Instead of Andrew Gold’s iconic “Thank You for Being a Friend,” the sh…
Not only is the Trans-Siberian Railway the longest railroad in Russia, but it’s also …
The Philippines is an archipelago, which means it’s made up of a group of islands—7,…
Prior to taking her place on the stoop of 227 , Marla Gibbs played the housekeeper …
The “German” part of German chocolate cake comes from an American man—not a European…
Even if you know a lot of Disney trivia , you might assume that the honor of first …
The cornea is the clear part of the eye that covers the pupil and other parts of the…
For people whose education was largely focused on the Western world, it may be surpr…
If a child’s entire circulatory system—we’re talking veins, arteries, and capillarie…
Weighing in at 0.05 to 0.07 ounces, with a head-to-body length of 1.14 to 1.29 inche…
Not only does Sudan have more pyramids than Egypt, but the numbers aren’t even close…
Here’s an interesting science fact for you: According to researchers at Imperial C…
It was found in 2002, approximately 12 miles south of Ljubljana, the capital of Slov…